Applause for Spanish Workers

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Applause for Spanish Workers

#Applause for Spanish Workers| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Emergency service workers in Madrid, Spain, line the streets outside a hospital and applaud each other in a show of mutual respect.

Medical staff from two hospitals join police officers and bus drivers to show their appreciation for the hard work of the emergency services and to pay tribute to people who have died. The tribute has become a daily ritualoutside the Jimenez Diaz Foundation Hospital, as the city continues to battlethe coronavirus outbreak.

After Italy, Spain has become the country most affected by the coronavirus in Europe. On Saturday, the Spanish government declared a state of emergency, and people have been ordered to stay at home for two weeks. On Saturday evening, people living in Madrid stood on balconies and clapped to cheer doctors and healthcare workers to show appreciation for their work.


1 重点词汇表达

1. applaud,vt,to show your approval of sb/sth by clapping your hands,鼓掌;名词是applause,鼓掌eg. applaud sb for sth,因某人做了某事,而称赞某人;clap,vt, 鼓掌,常用于日常用语

2. appreciation,noun,pleasure that you have when you recognize and enjoy the good qualities of sb/sth,欣赏;动词是appreciate,欣赏,感激;noun, a rise in value, especially of land or possessions 增值,(指土地或财产的)升值,贬值是depreciationeg. show/ express one's appreciation,表达感激/ 感谢;in appreciation of,感激/ 感谢

3. continue,vt,to keep existing or happening without stopping,持续,继续存在,不断发生;形容词是continuous,持续不断的,连续的eg. continue to do sth/ doing sth,继续做某事;go on doing sth,继续做某事;proceed to do sth/ with sth,继续做某事

4. battle,vt,to try very hard to achieve sth difficult or to deal with sth unpleasant or dangerous,搏斗,奋斗,斗争;noun, a lengthy and difficult conflict or struggle,较量,斗争eg. fight a battle,打仗,作战;win/ lose a battle,打赢/ 输掉一场仗

5. affect,vt,to attack sb or a part of the body;to make sb become ill/ sick 侵袭;使感染;to produce a change in sb/sth,影响eg. have an effect/ impact on,产生影响

6. declare,vt,to say sth officially or publicly 公布,宣布,宣告;名词是declaration,宣布,宣告eg. formally/ officially declare,正式宣布;openly/ publicly declare,公开宣布

7. order,vt,to tell someone that they must do something, especially using your official power or authority,命令,要求eg. order sb to do sth,命令/ 要求某人做某事;in order to,为了

8. clap,vt,to hit your open hands together several times to show that you approve of or have enjoyed sth,鼓掌,拍手(表示赞许或欣赏)

9. cheer,vt,to shout loudly, to show support or praise for sb, or to give them encouragement,欢呼,喝彩,加油eg. cheer (sb) up,使(某人)高兴/ 振作起来

10. line,vt, to form rows along the sides of something,沿…...排列成行;noun,a row of people or things next to each other or behind each other,排,行,列eg. wait/ cut in line,排队/ 插队

2 固定搭配

1. each other,彼此,相互

2. mutual respect,相互尊重eg. mutual understanding,相互理解;mutual trust,互信;mutual benefit,互惠互利

3. pay tribute to,致敬

4. daily ritual,日常仪式

5. a state of emergency,紧急状态

6. live in,居住在

7. healthcare workers,医护人员

8. Emergency service workers,紧急/ 应急服务(工作)人员

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